Monday, March 21, 2011

A New Arab Generation Finds Its Voice

NYTimes came out with a pretty production of photos and quotes from students and young professionals across the Arab world, in response to the recent political turmoil in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and so on.

Most compelling:

~vanilla hazelnut latte~

1 comment:

  1. You think this is just to give a face to all the unrest going on in the Middle East?

    The quotes themselves are not what's eye-catching. Rather its the names, age, occupations, and cities in small print underneath. Not to mention the pictures of individual people much like us. I quickly google searched Unrest in Libya, and got the following picture.Basically, most of the news pictures in the media are all the same. Mobs and protests, flag waving and people yelling. You really don't get a sense of the people affected. I really enjoyed this!,r:0,s:0&tx=102&ty=35
